

From Miss L
Bara av att höra hennes ångestfyllda röst fick mig att ångra den arga uppsynen jag hade mot henne. "It's okay.. It's just that I'm kind of personally involved in this, it was my sister who died in that fire, and somehow I don't want any inexperienced person to face her fate, not even you" Det sista sa jag med glimten i ögat även om ämnet fortfarande var känsligt och seriöst. "But if you don't want anything to do with magic and so on, just don't use it. But in two years you'll be like us, forced to find new witches and learn them, just so they don't risk anything. But as I said, don't use magic or do anything that expire our secret and I don't think that the circle realise it's you.." Jag log mot henne och lämnade rummet. Nu när vi inte 'bråkade' längre hade jag ingenting att oroa mig för och behövde inte ordna upp mer med det.

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